Monday, October 22, 2012

ER visits = Good Parenting

"I take care of MY kid when she is sick. I'm sorry you have such bad parenting when it comes to YOUR kids ", the Dragon tells Max over the phone as she rants about Jessie's pink eye. 

First of all, Jessie is Max's child too.  So YOUR child is also HIS child, you possessive freak.  Second of all, I am sorry you exercise such bad judgment when it comes to making decisions regarding your child's care. Any reasonable parent knows they should reflect on the situation at hand and decide whether this illness is something that should wait till tomorrow until my doctor can see the child or is this warranting an emergency room visit. Pink eye is not an ER obligation. Not even a doctor's visit requirement unless it persists despite good-old over the counter Polysporin drops. Pretty sure that is why they have created these drops over the counter so that doctors can weed out these unnecessary visits to their office. 

But apparently in the Dragon' world pink eye warrants an ER visit and it makes us BAD parents that we did not consider this. 

The whole weekend we had Jessie we carefully cleaned her eye and used the drops religiously 4x per day. While Max gave her the drops, I held her hand and told her how proud I was of her that she lied so still and how brave she was that she didn't cry.  She was so proud, over and over saying "I am good at this aren't I". 

She asked at one point, "do I need to go to the hospital?" A little girl who has been rushed to the ER or doctors countless times by her Mother for colds, sore throats and coughs, she is accustomed to be hurried off every time she has a sniffle. 

We told her that her eye looked better but if in a couple days it looks like it is worse, than we will call the doctor. She was pleased as she jumps up and says “good I don't want to go to the doctors!!!" 

Well sorry my dear, as soon as you are back in the Dragon Den your hypochondriac unreasonable Mother will rush you off, leaving you waiting in the waiting room for something that requires over the counter medications. 

Just as was the case the day Jessie came to our home that weekend. Her Mother booked an appointment with her doctor because Jessie had a sore throat. What did the doctor say? She has a sore throat, give her some lozenges.  Was that worth the 25 minute drive to the doctors? 

So, are we bad parents? I would like to think not. We use judgment and try to make reasonable decisions regarding our children's care. When they are sick, we pamper and console them. When they receive medications, we encourage them and tell them how proud we are of them. We don't increase their anxiety by rushing them to the doctor each time they are sick.  But if this is all wrong, than yes, you can say we are bad parents, and I am okay with that as I am doing what I think it right.

Here are some links and information on the necessity of ER/doctor's visits. I just did a quick Google search because she had me questioning my rationale. Appears I may be sane after all. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes they love going to the doctor. My ex dragon has told me my kids were so sick sometimes only to pick them up a few hours later like nothing had bothered them all day. Always some illness she is treating. I am like, these kids are never sick at my house. So confusing. And if you don't give them meds for not being sick you are a bad dad. But they aren't Effin sick, I exclaim.
