Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Protecting my boys from such evil as hers

Tonight I was rocking in the rocking chair feeding Blair his bottle. Looking down at him, all these positive moments came flooding over me, all the memories that have been made already in his 1st year of life.

Tonight I was rocking in the rocking chair feeding Blair his bottle. Looking down at him, all these pleasant moments came flooding over me, all the memories that have been made already in his 1st year of life.

Then suddenly my head was fogged by an undesirable memory. That of me several months pregnant hearing her yell at me over the phone that "he likely isn't even Max's anyway".  And the spewing of allegations to Max's mom and Max, and I am sure countless other people that crossed her path, that I was pregnant and who knows who the father is.

While I know the truth and those that love me do too, it still bothered me than and still does now that she could suggest such a horrible thing. That Blair isn't Max's child. This allegation was far worse that the suggestion of hers that Blair is a product of me "trapping Max" (see Me the Miracle Worker).

I remember holding my belly and thinking how Blair isn't even born and he is being the subject of  her toxic venom, that already her wrath is making its evil endeavor to hurt him. I held him closer wanting to protect him from her. I remember that day saying to him in my belly that I would never ever let her or any Dragon get a hold of him, that I would do everything in my power to protect him from such maliciousness.

It is unfair to Blair that the evil venom spewing out of her manipulative mouth impacted his innocent soul. While none of her gossip is true, and we all know it, she still said it, and he still was subject to it. I hate her for that.

She will never hurt him like that again.

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