Friday, October 12, 2012

I am a selfish B**** I am not a mother

So if you are a Dragon, you don't give a rats as*** about your daughter, you care only about yourself.

In the fall/winter, you sign up for volleyball not one night, but two nights of the week.
In the spring/summer, you play soccer two nights per week. And than volleyball on Sundays.

Your ex has your daughter at least a day each weekend for the next 3 weekends. But you choose to go out on a date on your one night with your daughter after you have not seen her in several days because of your personal sport commitments  If this man is worth anything, he would understand that this weekend, on this night is not suitable. It can wait.

But the idea that "I would like to spend time with my daughter" does not enter the mind of a narcissist.

And making sacrifices in your life, giving up some time for yourself, is a foreign concept.

Its all about me in the Dragon mind.

And to top it off, the night Dragon decided to ditch her daughter for her new boyfriend, Max offered to have Jessie stay with him. He had her overnight the previous and night and after school and would have been more than happy to have her stay another overnight.  Her answer was no, that she had plans for Jessie to stay with her Grandmother..."she deserves time with her too".  His response was once again..."yes but on your time when you are not available. I am available". No budge.

Dragon went to such an extent to ensure Max did what he was told i.e. promptly return Jessie at 8 p.m. to the Den- that she changed her plans to go to the early show to the late, had Max drive Jessie to the Dragon Den, than immediately drove Jessie over to surrogate mom's house - Gramdma's. The next day Gramdma was blessed with the opportunity to take her grand daughter to a Sparks event, an opportunity that Max, as the father, would have loved to have shared in.

Once again, Mother of the Year award material Dragon. Stay with dad for some consistency? Or up heave her from her father's home and bounce her around until she safely lands in surrogate mom's home - once again - while you go gallivant with your new boy friend whom you are grooming to be your next slave.

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