Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spotting a Dragon

In my place of work I was manipulated and exploited by a Dragon. I didn’t know she was a Dragon at the time. Only through my readings and experiences with my Dragon friend Carmen have I now been able to look back and say I was prey to a Dragon at work.

I was the new girl and was wooed by one of my colleagues. She and I became good friends. Red flags should have gone up but they didn’t. She was so charismatic I was blinded by the truth. She gossiped about every person in the than small organization than turned around and chatted with them the next moment, laughing and carrying on as if she saw no issue with them. Issues would arise within the organizational system. Fingers would be pointing at her as suspect, but she was so convincing and conniving that she would slither her way out of the spot light with no repercussions. The issue would be swept under the carpet and you would be left wondering what ever happened to that issue that arose.  

Than one day I was left shaking my head wondering what happened. Unbeknownst to me, the Dragon at work was now bad mouthing me to all my colleagues. Suddenly everyone in our small building was not speaking to me.  I felt so alone and confused. I wracked my brain trying to sort out what I did to make everyone so upset with me. 

The truth all came out months later at a meeting. The Dragon at work was not in attendance. I believe that my colleagues suspected that I had been exploited as they got to know me and questioned the truth of what the Dragon at work was suggesting. They spewed all the lies she told about me. I was astonished. I reassured them that what she has said is not true. But I knew that their heads were spinning wondering who and what to believe. That is the Dragon effect. In time the truth did all prevail.

I still question how I allowed myself to be exploited and manipulated like I was. How could I have been so foolish? I never saw it coming. I still don’t understand why she did what she did. Perhaps like a vampire she sunk her teeth into her new prey, got what she needed and released me when she needed me no longer.  

My experiences in dealing with my Dragon friend – Carmen – have helped me better deal with the Dragon at work. I never did confront her on why she lied liked she did. This attempt would go nowhere as she would deflect and pass blame, admit no wrong and twist the truth. I also learned you do no not confront a Dragon directly or you risk a rage. I ensure I document every conversation and request and do not entrust any information with her.  When she talks friendly I remain guarded. In essence, she may seem kind on the surface because of her charismatic ways, but don’t fall victim – she is evil, conniving, and manipulative. She cares about one person and that person is her. So protect yourself.

I suppose at the end of the day, spotting a Dragon is not easy. Their public persona is so magnetic you are not left to suspect any issue. It is only after you are left victim that you shake your head and ask yourself what happened and what could I have done different. I would like to say that if I were to come across another Dragon in my life I would be able to spot it. I am not certain I could. It is only after you have entrusted in them that the true qualities of narcissism emerge. At that point, often it is too late.

Max fell victim to the Dragon. He was young and entrusting and it was only after some time in his relationship with Carmen did he see he was a victim. This new man that Dragon has met will soon see the private persona prevail and will too become victim. I somewhat feel bad for him, almost want to warn him to run. But the magnetic persona of a narcissist will blind him to the truth and will not likely believe any warnings. He will have to find out the truth for himself.

Spotting a Dragon is not an easy task. They are masters of their art. 

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