Friday, November 2, 2012

I can keep our daughter from you...because I can

Well the up-to-know good wicked witch went on a rampage through the month of October. Must have been the approaching of Halloween that her wickedness at its peak.

Things were going okay with the access schedule. Pathetic as it is, we were at least getting to see Jessie a couple times a week, if at least, a 3-hour visit. A few months previous Dragon wasn't in favour of the "bare schedule court order" anymore.  You may be wondering if perhaps she suddenly felt empathetic and wanted Jessie to see her Dad more than the pathetic court ordered schedule allowed for. But the reality is, with Max's new work schedule, there were many times Jessie would be with me alone until he did return from work. OMG!  Can you imagine? I am the monster step-Mother.  So the Dragon dictated a schedule to Max that allowed for him to see Jessie - similar amount of time to the pathetic court order - just scheduled differently so I had no involvement. A risky venture since it wouldn't be court ordered and he would be once again at her whim with no legal back up. 

While the daily Dragon drama continued, access remained untouched. Well than suddenly the denials of access began again - one of the many reasons that Max went to lawyers in the first place. 

The first came on a Monday when Max called and asked if he could pick Jessie up at her maternal grandmothers (aka surrogate moms) at 2p.m. as she was home from school that day, as opposed to picking her up a 315 from school as scheduled.

Response: "You are not getting her today." He reminds her that he is scheduled to.  Her response: "She isn't in school, and the only reason why I scheduled you to get her today is that I am unavailable to pick her up from school since I am at work, and since she is not at school I do not need you".  So in essence you are saying you feel it unnecessary for Jessie to see her Dad and will just take away his visit because you can. 

Second denial came a week later on a Tuesday. Max called to confirm Jessie was at school and that he would be picking Jessie up from school at 315 for his visit. "Nope. I am picking her up at 230p.m. for a doctor's appointment." Okay, when were you going to tell him that for one? If he had not called to confirm, he would have been waiting out front of the school for Jessie only to be told, she isn't here.  Second, I am pretty certain Max is capable of taking Jessie to the doctors. It is his time, so if she has an appointment, he should take her.  No offer from the Dragon to take her, no offer to have a make-up night. Just no to access. Again, because you can. And you will. And you love it. 

Turns out - there was no doctor's appointment. Max called the doctor's to find out more information about the health condition Jessie "reportedly" had and well, there is no appointment that day, and no upcoming appointments. Just a big fat lie. Dragon just didn't want Max to see her that day and thought she would fathom up another lie as per usual and deny access. Yes, you could say another Mother of the year moment. 

Well enough was enough. Max calls his lawyer and says I am no longer going to go by this schedule the Dragon has created as she is not following it. He requested to go back to the court order so that he could have some legal back up. They contacted her lawyer and notified them that the court order it is - at least for the next 3 weeks until mediation.

It’s Wednesday, Halloween day. I was asked by Max to go pick up Jessie from school. He had to work. It was verified by the lawyers that this has been communicated to their lawyer - that I will be picking up Jessie for Max's court ordered Wednesday evening visit. The order was amended earlier in the year to allow for me to pick up Jessie - after the Dragon put up such a fuss on more than one occasion, refusing me to do so.  

I pull up to the school with Blair. I get out of the car, and who is pulling up too but the Dragon and her puppet counterpart - the ex-girlfriend Beth. Despite being kicked to the curb when the Dragon, after two years of using her, claims she isn't gay anymore - Beth remains the Dragon's puppet. At least until some else comes around and can help pay the bills.

Immediately I called Max's lawyers office as I was uncertain about what to do now. They advised me to stay away from her and that they would follow up with her lawyer.  Well hell yeah, I am not going near that witch. She makes me shake in her presence.  

The three of us, and Blair, waited in the front foyer. The Dragon, in her sly and manipulative ways, went up to the secretary and asked if she could go get Jessie out of class. As the secretary walks by me, I quietly whisper to her - "I am not sure what to do, but I was sent here by Max to get Jessie".  I went and sat in the office, clear away from that intimidating fire breathing Dragon.  She kept a close eye on me though as she lurked around the corner. 

The secretary returned from Jessie's class and told the Dragon that they are just wrapping up. When the secretary came in the office, I told her no worries, that I am gathering there is nothing you can do as the school would not want to get involved in these access issues. She said I was right. I sat back with Blair in the office waiting for the bell to ring. 

My phone rings and it is Max. He got a call from his lawyer saying the Dragon had showed. He wanted to see if I was okay. We talked for a few minutes. I could feel the Dragon hovering over my shoulder at the doorway. I mentioned to Max that I had brought the court orders in case they questioned whether I was allowed to pick Jessie up. She heard me say this and uttered to me in her snotty tone..."good". Back off you immature manipulative witch. 

After more parents arrived I felt more comfortable leaving the office and going to the hallway so I could see Caden walk out of class and I could get him and take him home. I sat down and talked with a friend. 

Minutes later I am asked by a teacher if I could come with her. Surprised by this, I followed the teacher around the corner. She says that she wanted to ensure that there was no conflict between the Dragon and I so she wanted to know if I would be willing to wait around the corner until the Dragon retrieve Jessie. I said of course, than added, there isn't going to be any conflict on my part I assure you hence why I stayed clear of her in the office. 

She than asked what is the issue. I told her that I was uncertain as I was sent here to get Jessie by Max and this was verified by his lawyer that day that I was to do so according to the order. She asked me if I had any paperwork, and I handed it over. Off she went to speak with the principal. I am standing there muddled - what just happened, why suddenly are the teachers involved here? 

Minutes later the principal and this teacher return. I am told that the Dragon is the primary babysitter and so she will take her.  Yes I know that. But I still have to wait for my son. Oh, “didn't realize that you were waiting on your son” the teacher says. Why do you think I was waiting in the hall? 

It all made sense than. I am gathering that the Dragon in her fine manipulative and evil ways went and spoke with a teacher and said she was concerned that I was going to cause some fuss when Jessie came out of class.  Yes, because I would do that with my two sons with me and a crowd of teachers and parents. Yes, because I am some monster. 

So a non-issue became a monstrous issue as soon as the wicked Dragon put on her public persona hat and cried concern that I was going to steal Jessie away from the school from under her.  A persuasive blamer technique at its best. 

And if you thought that was sad enough the saddest part came later. The next day Jessie tells Max and I that "mommy said you tried to take me from school" Yes, I saw that coming.  Way to involve Jessie in adult issues Dragon. 

Let the fun continue. 

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