Monday, November 19, 2012


So my Dragon friend posts on Facebook a picture of her and her daughter swinging. Under it one of her "friends" says - "you are a great momma" and under this Dragon LIKED IT. I wanted to puke. Got to love the public persona of a Narcissist!

Wonder if this "friend" of yours would think you are Mother of the year when she hears you shoved your daughter in the house and told her to be quiet and stop crying when her Dad comes to get her on Halloween as promised and her Dragon Mother refuses for her to go.  Or, the fact that when you want to you will deny the Father to see his daughter - because you are mad and you can.

Or the point that you call her father an Ass and yell ferociously at him in front of your daughter while she bows her head in the car pretending to sleep.

Or that you have refused for your daughters maternal Grandmother and me, her "step Mother" to pick her up from either school or your home if her Dad is unavailable and assigns one of us to, but that it is ok for you to assign anyone you want to do so. And more importantly, that you make these denials right in front of your daughter - her in the front window with her coat and boots on saying she is ready to go, and you shoving her back inside saying she isn’t going anywhere.

Or the fact that you call me, the 'step mom', mean to your daughters face and tell her not to talk about me because she isn’t nice.

Or that you mock the clothes we send her home in front of your daughter - going to such lengths as taking a skirt off and dancing around in it.

Or that you set up every obstacle you can to requests for summer vacation or even time on Father's Day. 

I wonder if your “friend” would be interested to know that a judge managing your case could see right through your behaviour and named you in court  the "trouble maker" and advised you to start playing nice. Unlike most people who would be embarrassed by this label and initiate suitable behaviour, matters only intensified.

Or that the same judge named the Father as primary babysitter, to be used when you are unavailable, as he clearly could see that you were not being fair in this regard – but not once in 5 months have you attempted to do so - despite the countless selfish pursuits you have leaving you unavailable. In fact, your daughter spends more time with her surrogate mom "aka Grandma" than she does her own Father.  In fact again, your own daughter has said to you “you never let me see my Dad”.

Or, the fact that you are never home as you are out doing something for yourself, leaving your daughter to be "Mothered" by other family members. Or the fact that you meet a new man and decide to have a sleepover at his house and tell your five year old daughter that you are, so off you go to Grandmas.

Or that you tell your daughter that she is not to call her “step brother” brother despite being so proud to do so.

Or that you involve your daughter in adult conflict by telling her that her father is to blame for this and that.

Or that you never pass on messages to your daughter that her Father called. 

Or the fact that you smoked your whole pregnancy and now your daughter suffers countless ear and throat infections. And despite this, you continue to smoke, blowing it out the side door despite common knowledge that "third hand smoke is as damaging as second".

I am sure I could outline more examples that highlight your Mother of the year traits, but will leave it at that.
I wonder if this girl would think you are a Great Momma now.

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